Ways To Donate

Your donation can make a positive impact.

Leadership Fairfax envisions a thriving and inclusive community inspired by courage and compassion. We are committed to engaging leaders from diverse backgrounds to engage in building a better community.

You can help support our mission by donating to our programs (or the scholarship fund) to enhance the ability of our organization to deliver high quality programming and expand our reach to ensure that cost is not a barrier to participation.

Many companies recognize the importance of giving by offering a corporate match program. When you contribute, the gift to Leadership Fairfax is matched and therefore multiplied. Contact your Human Resources Department to learn more about matching gifts.

Support a future leader by making a donation to our Karen Cleveland Scholarship Fund. Karen Cleveland was CEO of Leadership Fairfax for over a decade and in honor of continuing her spirit of giving, the Karen Cleveland Scholarship Fund was established in 2023. Donate to allow us to offer our community leadership development programs to a broader range of applicants, allowing our graduates to even better reflect the community in which we live and work.

a man and a woman are holding a large check

Interested in making a long lasting impact on fueling our leadership pipeline?

Contact Lisa McGrail, Director of Partnerships and Development to set up a legacy gift via your will or planned giving. 

One-Time Gift

Planned Donation

Monthly Gift

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